
You can use all kinds of different ingredients in a frittata. It is also a great way to use up leftovers.



5 eggs
400 ml half cream or single cream
Salt and white pepper
Finely chopped parsley, chives or dill

Suggested ingredients

  • Boiled potatoes, herring, chopped chives or dill
  • Chopped canned sprats
  • 100 g ham, bacon or sausage, julienned
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • Leftover veggies, meat or fish

Grease the Omnia Pan.

Put the meat, fish or other ingredients you have chosen in the Omnia Pan.

Beat the eggs.

Heat the cream to a simmer and pour it slowly over the eggs while whisking constantly.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the egg mixture into the pan and bake at low heat until the frittata has set and is golden brown, 30-35 minutes.

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